SWANFEATHER- The osprey is connected to all aspects of solar worship. And can come into one's life to emphasise the value and healing properties of the sun, and to help those who practice mystically or spiritually to facilitate sun-god communion.
ME-The coldest winter in more than 20 years here in Florida. I have rekindled my love for the sun. Whenever it appears, I sit outside and turn my face to it, full of appreciation.
SWANFEATHER- An appearance of osprey in your life can indicate an appearance of the spirit in the form of the Beacon, coming to guide you back to a place of safety or security, or to a feeling of groundedness.
ME-Having recovered from the H1N1 flu, and having nearly completed our Florida renovations, I'm stepping back and asking, "Ok, now what?" What I see is that I ready to claim and use more of my personal power. I have much more power over my habits than I have been using, especially when it comes to eating sugar and burning it off.
SWANFEATHER- In terms of working on an energy or elemental level, osprey energy can be called upon when working with the elements of water and wind.
ME- Well, it is windy and rainy now, and has been for most of January and February; I think I've nailed that one! Seriously, I just finished reading a terrific book, Thirty Percent Chance of Enlightenment, by Tim Brookes, a fellow Vermonter. Writing about forecasting monsoons in India, Brookes has an epiphany about the meaning of water in our lives. His ephiphany became mine; he also changed my way of thinking about rain (good thing!) when he wrote:
ME-I have resumed my weekly fast day, which I lost when I was sick. I have added more asanas to my yoga practice, ramping up my determination to be strong and powerful. After all, I have a 40th high school reunion in July and a Sivananda yoga teachers' reunion in August; I want to show up healthy and honed. I bought my train ticket yesterday.
ME-I am seizing and learning. I am glad to be awake and aware in this moment. And, I'm drinking lots of life-giving water.