Back in Vermont, we will busy ourselves with sailing, music, swimming, walks in the woods, sleeping in a tent, being with friends and teaching yoga. I dearly love introducing yoga to new students, as well as helping experienced yogis maintain their practice.
Our dogs are excited....they only need leashes in Florida! While we love our warm winter life, the privacy and quiet and 160 acres of Vermont are pretty amazing.
Two sweet poems, I'll dedicate to Vermont and Florida, written by Helen Lowrie Marshall:
Morning Prayer
Good morning, Lord,
Another lovely day---
Help me to keep it so,
Dear Lord, I pray.
May no small, careless word
Or deed of mine
Let fall a shadow there
To spoil the shine;
No act of kindness,
Thoughtlessly undone,
Make dim this lovely morning’s
Bright, clean sun.
Help me to keep this day
As good as new.
Till at its close I give
It back to you.
Living Prayer
Prayer has many forms, I think.
In ways, for more than words, we link
Our hearts and souls to God. Perhaps
But just some simple deed man taps
That reservoir of strength. No need
For words---his prayer lies in his deed.
Contrition, adoration, love
Devotion to his God above---
All praise, all glory, all thanksgiving
All manifest in daily living.
Words are as empty as the air
Unless we truly live our prayers.