Even God cannot make two mountains without a valley in between.
— Gaelic saying
Taking time between....what a lovely concept. Autumn provides such a break in the calendar year...between our Vermont summer and Florida winter.
October has become a valley, by choice. I am enjoying the time to deepen down into my yoga and meditation practices.
This weekend, I grounded myself with a welcome stay at the Sivananda International Ashram and Yoga Camp in the Laurentian Mountains of Quebec. The fall colors were as healing and beautiful as the yoga classes, satsangs and talks by a visiting Tibetan monk, Lama Tenzin Yignyen, instructor of Tibetan Buddhist Studies at Hobart and William Smith College in New York. What a grand time to visit the Ashram...Thanksgiving weekend in Canada!
Yes, I gave thanks. And will continue to for this valley of earthly delight.