I've been hearing this quiet crunching noise outside the window next to my bed. Sometimes, the soft footsteps are after dark, other days, in the morning. The adjoining land is so wooded, I have never been able to figure out who or what is walking around on the dry leaves. Yesterday, I spotted my light-footed neighbors: two big water buffaloes! Hardly known as tiptoeing beasts, that is just what they are. (If you want to know what a water buffalo looks like, check out the banner, above. This family of three was walking the beach one February the morning in Pondicherry. Water buffalo milk is rich and creamy, and makes the best yogurt.)
Though I have no blood relations on this continent, I have no shortage of love and comfort around me. My friends are kind and welcoming, what a blessing. Just two nights ago, in celebration of the full moon, three women invited me to meditate in the garden.
We thought about all the women we have ever been related to, and ever will be related to...who live under the same moon, their cycles governed by its magic. Bathed in moonlight, we loved participating in such a timeless ritual, gazing at this captivating white light of night. The same full moon of my great great great great great great grandmothers and granddaughters.

Beyond the companionship of friends, I am blessed by my buddy Simba, the big ole dog who belongs to the Naidu family. Simba and I have become pals this year! I get to walk him a couple mornings a week, and play games like "catch the fig" or "chase the chicoo," using fruit I take from our trees.
Simba also likes to sit on my bed while I write. He sometimes backs his bottom into mine and then falls asleep, in about one second! I also find his head pressed up against my knee, giving comfort.

Simba's head, my knee! Bliss, for us both.
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