For fashion loving Karen, I would buy a life size mannequin, to dress up, curl her hair, and put on fancy makeup.
Jim knows he would get a few rare gold coins to add to his collection, and Wayne would ride in a private plane to view some of the construction jobs he once worked on.
Jim knows he would get a few rare gold coins to add to his collection, and Wayne would ride in a private plane to view some of the construction jobs he once worked on.
I think I would make sure Marion had some time backstage at Bold and Beautiful and Young and Restless. Wouldn't that be cool? (Sujata, I would send you on this trip, too.)
Ole Everett just needs a reality TV producer to show up and begin filming his 24 hour show. What a blast it would be to watch that program!
Ole Everett just needs a reality TV producer to show up and begin filming his 24 hour show. What a blast it would be to watch that program!
I bet Janet would appreciate a nonstop flight from the Glover parking lot to her Connecticut family's driveway, with several trips made daily.
Bev would be happy with a shorter shuttle....curb to curb from the front door to Hoagie's (and maybe Foxwoods??) that runs on the hour. And a purse full of cash for the trip.
Sadie might enjoy another special dinner dance, in a gorgeous dress and hairdo. And Roberta, a trip to the pet shop, with lots of time to cuddle all the critters. (I wonder how many and what she'll bring home?)
Carolyn, and probably Ruth, would like to live in their own homes again.
Calvin might enjoy a tour of fine restaurants, traveling by limousine.
Calvin might enjoy a tour of fine restaurants, traveling by limousine.
Looking at the beaches here, I am guessing Shirley would like to feel invigorated by spending another winter in Florida.
Frances, do you think a trip to a bookstore with plenty of money to buy some pretty books would be fun?
Roy might like as afternoon at a truck dealership, and a chance for a nice test drive.
A shopping spree in a handbag store would be my gift to Marjorie. And I think a special private craft class would delight Audrey. For Marian the Native American, a long walk in the woods and a chance to see a lot of deer would be my gift. And maybe sleeping out under the stars.
Miss Ethel, perhaps a trip back in time, with all 10 of your children sitting around the breakfast table?
Roger might like a Big Game Hunt. And Bobby and Jordan, wouldn't you also like an adventure? For John, a fine game of golf on a beautiful course would be perfect.
Who wouldn't be thrilled to be restored to health and youthful energy? Ed, Bob, Rena and Ken, for sure. For Jason, I would buy a miracle.
For Bernadette, Alvira, Gloria and the rest of the crowd, I would love to grant your heart's desire.
Reading my shopping list, it is probably easy to understand why I envy Oprah her bank account. But since her accounts will never be mine, fulfilling this shopping list has to be virtual, in my heart only.
For those receiving just virtual gifts from me, I want you to know one important fact: my shopping list was born out of my love for you. So, while you won't receive any customized gift, you can be certain my love has already been sent.
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