Well, it is 10:18 a.m., and at 11 a.m. I will board my flight to NYC, out of Tampa International Airport. I was surprised to learn the airport isn't all that old:
On April 15, 1971, Tampa International Airport's new Terminal Complex officially opened. The Landside/Airside Terminal Complex was the first of its kind, designed like a spoked wheel. More than 50,000 people came to see the new Airport Terminal during its two-day open house. National Airlines Flight 36 from Los Angeles was the first plane to arrive at the new Terminal, landing at 5:26 a.m.
Thurmond drove me here, it was an easy ride on the toll road, 77 degrees outside, a typical, lovely Florida day. We laughed and talked about all the work that had gotten us to this moment...planning, saving, packing, preparing....as we prepared for the hardest part of travel: SAYING GOOD BYE.
No matter how much I enjoy my trips...in this case, going to our first grandbaby's BABY SHOWER, then off to India for three months....the Good Byes are always hard.
This morning, hugging my Ole Bear in the UNLOADING zone, I felt the great wave of love, followed by sadness, engulf me. People ask, "Won't you miss each other?" Yes, of course. I miss everyone I love who I am not with at this moment, the living and the dead. But somehow, the security of these relationships has allowed me great freedom to explore and live.
On this day, I thank all those who love or who have ever loved me. Thank you for loving me, in spite of all the GOOD BYES.
P.S. There might be a weather delay, some talk of it here....but that is also just part of life, especially a traveler's life!
wishing you safe journeys and good health as well as strength.