Monday, December 27, 2010

Welcome Malcolm Greeley Kaiman

Look who Ali brought into the world on Christmas Night. At nine minutes to nine (and, being in India, I know the power of the Auspicious Number Nine.) Mr. Malcolm Greeley Kaiman showed his beautiful face!
We are all over the moon! The best Christmas present ever.

Here he is in his parents' arms...can you imagine how great it feels to be looked upon by such a loving Mama and Papa?

This Grandma will snuggle with him in less than a month. Woo hoo!


  1. Blessed is the journey of life taken and enjoyed among fellow travelers.

    Congrats Granny Bethany, Grandpa Thurmond, Ali and Elliot as well as Malcolm too of course.


    Key word: Joy! Blessed joy!

  2. What a beautiful boy! Congrats to all of you. This is going to be a long month for you Bethany!!!
