On the streets of Hyderabad, temperature close to 100 degrees F., industrious Indian men and women go to work and school. Can you see the little girl wedged between her mother and father on the motorcycle to the left? And the sari-clad woman riding in the back of a truck full of sacks? How about this painter and his ladder?
Comparing my experience of 10 days of seated, silent meditation to the efforts of these seated folks, the Vipassana course was a breeze!
Here I am, sitting in my cell for one of the
10.5 hours of daily Vipassana meditation. The room was dark, the door closed. A bell signaled when it was time to take a bathroom break. The 4 a.m. bell began the day. Meals were at 6:30 a.m. and 11 a.m., creating a 30 hour fast until the next morning. No talking, reading, writing, yoga, eye contact. Just sitting in meditation, seeking liberation from our habits of craving and aversion, liking and disliking. We 80 some students had wonderful teachers and accomodations at the Hyderabad Vipassana center. I highly recommend this marvelous 10 day experience if you want to end all misery and BE HAPPY.

"And this is the noble truth of the arising of sorrow. it arises from craving....And this is the noble truth of the stopping of sorrow. It is the complete stopping of that craving....being emancipated from it."
The Pali Canon (the teaching of the Buddha)
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