I've slipped into the flow of Indian life....it has been less than eight months since I was last here, and it is great to be back.
Thanks to a generous British Air employee in NYC, I was offered a grand seat on the Upper Deck of the 747, a seat that became a bed. Here is the view from my upgraded bunk, looking at the cockpit before take off.

Yes, I enjoyed the pampering of Business Class...newspapers, fresh salad, coffee in china cups. Thank you, John B., for offering me this unexpected treat! Can you believe it, John saw GLOVER, VERMONT written on my suitcase, and being a parttime Vermonter himself, he took me under his wing. (pun intended!) Moving through the dark skies at more than 600 miles per hour, I did sleep like a baby....a flying baby. When I arrived at 4:30 Wednesday morning at the beautiful new Bangalore airport, my smiling friend Suja was at the gate. How blessed I am.

Because the sun rises around 7 a.m. in Bangalore this time of year, it is easy to be up before dawn. This morning, I sat on the veranda and read some of
The Hummingbird's Daughter, and waited for the sun to appear. The days are lovely, in the mid 80s, and the nights cool for sleeping.

Sending love and morning sun from Mother India to you.
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