Mom and I played and won; I netted $132usp (get it? 132 pennies!) Only two brave men were part of the crowd, and George was clearly the greatest character. He was forever making the ladies roll their eyes....interrupting, talking too loud over the caller and asking relentlessly, "Is it time to eat yet?" (Perhaps the finest feature of this game is the 1:30 potluck!)
During the lunch break, George told this story I just have to pass along. It seems at age 17, he was invited by an uncle to spend the summer with him in Hollywood, California. "My uncle was in the movies," George said. "He was an electrician." (We all moaned, thinking Unc was IN FRONT of the camera!)
"He got me a job holding a spotlight, and you'll never guess who I had to follow with that lamp," George said, pausing theatrically. "Marlene Dietrich!"
George continued. "Well, from the first day I worked there, Marlene Dietrich kept looking me over. I couldn't believe it. It was hot, and I was wearing shorts. She was always looking at me." George was reveling, finally, he had all of us attentive. He was in the spotlight.
"One morning, Marlene came walking out of her dressing room with her staff, and they were looking for someone. I realized they were looking for me!" We all started to glance at each other, thinking we were about to hear a story of seduction that might make us squirm. Was Marlene going to get cozy with a 17 year old kid from the East coast?
"That's him! That's the one!" Marlene said, pointing directly at George.
The St. Bernard's bingo crowd had stopped breathing.
"I will not have anyone working on the set with legs that are better than mine! He is FIRED!" she declared.
"And so I lost my job, " George laughed, "And my uncle had to send me home."
A wonderful story, huh? Understand why I just had to share it?!