As a Memorial Day Weekend traveler, I met wonderful parents, indifferent parents and tired parents. I met the same categories of children, not necessarily in matched sets! Also witnessed an Attitude Face Off between a cranky passenger and a depressed airline employee...a real meltdown. In such moments, we send METTA...burning love radiating from the chest, to the entire room. I've seen it work many times, once in Hyderabad I sent METTA from a second floor apartment, to an angry motorcycle-car collision below. We watched the two drivers part with smiles.
In Baltimore, I met this stainless steel lady who directed me to the restroom! I couldn't resist having my picture taken with her, such an icon for the full bladdered. Did you know that the police ride bicycles in this airport? So cool.
We are about to march into a Vermont June, in all its green glory. My 85 year old Father is having some fairly routine surgery June 1; I ask praying friends the world 'round to remember Roger and his great team of health care professionals. May he be home and healing and pain free soon. And may my Mother feel worry-free throughout.
Another quote from this epic I'm reading, Shantaram (which means Man of Peace): "The real trick in life is to want nothing and to succeed in getting it." May we all succeed in this pursuit, and feel great happiness. I send love to all readers, especially my Indian friends I was with just two weeks ago.
Welcome back to the Green Mountain State Bethany.