How so? My birthday is also the birthday of President Obama's hero and guide, Abraham Lincoln. The President and I both have a strong connection to Lincoln, me by birth, the President by choice.
No wonder I feel such a kinship and love for America's 44th President. And his brown eyes remind me of the earnest, hard working, determined gaze of my son. We are definitely connected.
As for how I am celebrating my new year, I will be happily holed up in a 15,000 volume library of yoga research at the Yoga University here in Bangalore. Looking at the campus's most astounding buildings, it almost resembles a birthday cake, huh? It is actually an OM sign.

While I am a yoga teacher, teaching Yoga in the Garden here three mornings a week, I am also and always a student. How delighted I am that some friends arranged for my four day stay at the school. Can you picture me, swallowing these books whole??

I remember the day very well. One ofthe highpoints of my life. ME