Why am I surprised when the day I am living mirrors the books I am reading? Or the coffee served delivers the message of the Universe? Only my foolish need to divide and diminish causes me to forget Oneness.
"One of the blessings of existence is that everyone is born with a desire to see more. That's why the sages of India believed that even to think about God is a sign that surely he will one day appear," writes Deepak Chopra in his sweet fable, Why Is God Laughing?
"It turns out that expansion of consciousness is the Divine Plan. There is no other. As your awareness keeps growing, you become more and more certain that you are part of the Divine Plan as well. Nothing more is demanded of you or ever was."
Sudharsan, the beautiful young man who served me a 5:30 a.m. coffee in Pondicherry repeated this message, serving it in a cup.
So does Teresita, explaining her healing power, in The Hummingbird's Daughter, by Luis Alberto Urrea: "It is always from God. Everything is from God."
"What is it like?" to practice the gift of healing?
"It is like falling in love," she answers.
"You love them. You feel a tenderness toward them, an unbearable softness in your heart. You feel a tingle in your belly, you feel like crying. You want to kiss them, but you know you cannot."
In other words, no separation, no illusion, no distinction such as "you and me," or "us and them."
"When unity with God is attained, all energy becomes available. At that point, your wishes and desires are the same as God's," Dr. Chopra writes. "There could be no other way, since in unity a thought and a thing are one and the same."
As in a coffee cup made of love, served in love, full of love.
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