When we believe joy is something that is created or altered on a daily basis, based on what happens Out There, we get in trouble. When we bring our own stinging judgment to ourselves or others, we stomp on happiness. Our interpretation of life often keeps us small, isolated and unhappy.
Realizing that we were born with a great, limitless well of joy (just look at a baby giggle with joy...they own nothing!) we are free, we are happy.
The secret, as taught by all spiritual traditions, is to wake up to the great inner truth that our nature is Bliss Absolute. Once we can see life from this awareness, everything changes in an instant.
Years ago, I was given the following poem, a poem full of wisdom. I was told the it was written by Elberta Farrar Herrin on her deathbed, in a Vermont nursing home.
Reading Elberta's words, you can decide today, well before you die, to embrace a life philosophy of going more with the flow, of letting go of your need to control. That need to control makes us so unhappy!
Forgive me, Lord.
If I have judged the different to be bad because it was strange to me,
Forgive me, Lord.
If I have condemned those who struggle with the new,
If I saw anger or disrespect where there was none,
If I have been harsh toward those whose vision made themsee danger or disrespect where there was none,
Forgive me, Lord.
If I have silenced music, If I have paralyzed the dance,
If I have slashed the canvas, burned the books, cleared the stage, choked the laughter,
Forgive me, Lord.
If I have fostered mediocrity for the sake of acceptability,
If I have shunned awe in the presence of the sacred,
If anger or fear has led me to dishonesty or distortion,
Forgive me, Lord.
Elberta Farrar Herrin
I am sharing this photo of a banana tree supporting a tomato plant, because I consider the supportive relationship of the two living things such a great reminder for us all. How clever! How creative! How simple! How life giving! We can all offer each other a bit of support, be it through sharing this blog or smiling at a stranger. Let's each do our part, and watch what happens. In a supportive environment, it is much easier to discover your own Inner Joy, that Bliss Absolute.
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