Visit http://www.leaveconstipationbehindyou.blogspot.com/. Learn some of the basic practices I teach, to help people achieve wonderful, healthy regularity. Why not mimic this beautiful tree in my neighbor's yard here in Bangalore? See how easily it let's go of the waste, releasing what it no longer needs? You can, too!
Laxatives, suppositories, enemas, colonics and the like are not the way to create a lasting, healthy system of elimination. Rather, we each need to find the lifestyle that provides us balance: with enough sleep, regular movements, proper weight, good physical and mental health.
Of course, we know a key factor, if not THE key factor is what we eat. The wrong foods quickly lead to constipation. One of my yoga teachers used to say that constipation leads to STROKES. "If you meet someone who has had a stroke," he said, "You can be pretty certain they have a problem with constipation."
The reason? Carrying toxins and poisons and waste in the body that should be eliminated exhausts your heart, kidneys, and other organs. They valiantly try to keep the dirty blood from harming you, but unless you empty your bowels regularly, autointoxication arises.
Treating ourselves to deep, full yogic breaths is also a great technique for relaxing the intestines. A few months ago, I taught a young woman about breathing. Here is part of her joyous report on her success:
“I began practicing the breathing techniques every morning and although I still don't have "regular" (meaning everyday) bowel movements, at least I have learned how to "do it" without the laxatives. For instance, I had not had a movement for about 3 or 4 days (I need to keep track of those) as of Monday, so I concentrated on eating more fruit and drinking more water, then when I got home I did about 45 minutes of breathing and again lots of water and hot tea. Yesterday morning I was miserable, to say the least, but I did my breathing and within an hour or so I had a movement and I had 2 more later that day. This morning another and I feel so much better. I cannot believe that I have suffered with this for almost 20 years and now all I have to do is remember to relax and breathe properly. I have not had to use any laxatives for at least 2 months now. You have helped change my life for the better and I cannot thank you enough.”
Please share the new blog address with friends and family who suffer from a sluggish system. I have written a short book called "How He Put Constipation Behind Him," which I plan on making available soon. Until then, check the blog for help.
Let me close with a nice meditation for healthy living:
In a quiet space, sit comfortably and enjoy a deep exhale. As you inhale, feel how the lightness of the breath creates a sense of weightlessness in your body. As you exhale, allow yourself to release tension, unwanted and unneeded thoughts and other negative energies. Continue to breathe in healing white light. With each exhale, imagine letting go of an activity, piece of personal property or a relationship you are ready to detach from. Allow yourself to let go of whatever is no longer serving you. This can be a memory, an old disappointment or just a belief about yourself that you have outgrown. Empty your mind. See this old thought or relationship or item float away on the smokiness of your exhale. Relax. Release. Exhale.
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